Adventures in Retail

Dear Guy in the Toys R Us Parking Lot,


That “One Way” sign was not a polite suggestion.  Next time you almost hit someone head on – while she is parked no less – drop the snotty look and don’t even think about all that wild gesturing like I am the crazy one.  Just do the human race a favor: get yourself sterilized.







Dear Very Nice But Sorta Oblivious Salesgirl at The Gap,


When I ask if you have another size in a pair of pants, offering an identical pair with the suggestion that “Maybe these will be cut differently!” is not inspiring confidence.  Either help me find the smaller size or tell me you don’t have any.  Don’t mess with my head.







Dear Young, Clearly Sleep-Deprived Parents in Target,


The diapers are a few aisles over from where you are standing.  I know this because they are near the shoes. 


You’re Welcome,





Dear Forever 21,


I am having a hard time telling if some articles of clothing are a shirt or a dress.  I’m really hoping for “shirt” because holy vajayjay no one needs to see that much of anyone’s anatomy.  And yes, I know I am probably too old to be shopping at Forever 21 but hot damn you have some darling tank tops and accessories.  But for reals: shirt or dress?  I NEED TO KNOW.


I’m Probably Going to End Up Wearing a Dress as a Shirt – Whatever,





Dear Fellow Shoppers at North Valley Plaza,


Whoa, sorry about the dumbassed parking job I did.  I didn’t realize until I got back to my spot that I was almost taking up two spaces.  My bad.


Don’t Hit Me,


Our Gabriela

Today our family said goodbye to Gabi, my mom’s Shetland sheepdog.  Gabi was meant to be my “replacement” when I went off to college; she was my mom’s constant companion and a source of love and amusement for our entire family.


My mom had always wanted a Sheltie and when she found a local breeder with a puppy looking for a home she was psyched.  The breeder raised show dogs and Gabi, being a teensy bit too tall or some nonsense, was not considered “show quality.”  That seemed like total bullshit to me since she was gorgeous and full of personality, but whatever.  We just figured we were lucky and brought her home, where she proceeded to charm us and annoy the hell out of our now-deceased cats, Pookie and Squeak. 


About a month after she came home I was sick with the flu.  The kind of sick where you sleep a lot but never feel rested.  The kind of sick where you are simultaneously feverish and freezing.  Gabi stayed by my side while my parents were at work and – I swear to God – would dig for me under the covers to make sure I was OK.  Shortly after that, my mom was able to take her to work each day so they could bond and Gabi could learn to socialize.  She still liked hanging out with me, but by now she was clearly turning into Mama’s girl.


Everywhere we took her people loved her and children wanted to pet her.  Much as she loved the attention and was a bit of a ham, her loyal little heart truly belonged to Mom.  She was happy to hang out while she sewed or worked from home.  A true herding dog, she felt most secure when her “sheep” were in sight.


Gabi, Easter 2009
Gabi, Easter 2009


She was suffering from some health issues and wasn’t young by dog standards, but it was a tough call to let her go.  The vet was amazingly supportive and kind; she was impressed with our willingness to treat Gabi, but we had reached the end of the line.  Phrases like “quality of life” were being thrown around and we made an appointment with the vet so that we could have a little time with her.


The house feels quiet, although we still have a house full of pets.  I miss our feisty, sassy, silly, tortilla-stealing, lawnmower-charging, squirrel-chasing little fur factory.

Damn It Feels Good to Be a Gangsta

If you read the minutiae of my life on Facebook or, like, talk to me in real life you’ve heard the news: I was laid off.  This wasn’t a huge shock given the state budget, and I had a bit of warning.  It’s been a crazy week wrapping things up but I am officially done.  So, uh, what exactly do I do now? Maybe beat the shit out of a fax machine with a bat.  PC LOAD LETTER, indeed.


Anyway, I am actually feeling good about the transition.  I have some leads and interviews lined up, and am not in danger of living in a van down by the river any time soon.  Things are going to be OK. 


It was an interesting time there and I will forever be grateful that the opportunity arose at a time when my life was in a state of chaos and uncertainty.  Getting this job helped me settle back into life in California, introduced me to wonderful people, and gave me a purpose. 


Damn, I’m going to miss seeing random fire academy cadets around campus.

Like a Phoenix Rising from the Ashes…or Somethin’ Like That

Some randomness for you that, hopefully, will constitute an entire post.  Bullet points!  Hooray! 


  • The crazy-assed two day conference I helped plan went off smashingly well, if I do say so.  I feel like an event is a success if the only negative comments people can come up with are things that cannot be helped (ie weather) and no one loses an eye.  I aim high, clearly.  Anyway, it was gratifying to see the fruits of my labor come to life and DUDE I TOTALLY MET A NOBEL PRIZE WINNER AND HE ASKED MY OPINION ABOUT STUFF.  Also, nice that none of my stress dreams came true: people showed up, there was enough food and I never misplaced my shoes.  Who dreams about misplacing her shoes during a work event?  I do, apparently.


  •  I am feeling the need for a change-up in the hair department.  After a whopping four months of sorta-longish-at-least-for-me hair I am thinking about cutting it.  Nothing crazy, but I keep seeing all these pictures of curly haired women with adorable shorter styles and I look at my scrappy ponytail and think, “Meh, surely I can do better than this” and am tempted to chop it.  Also, I am missing the red and think it may be time to say buh-bye to the auburnish-brown hybrid that doesn’t really do much for me.   Joan Holloway is a big inspiration.  Any thoughts or advice here is welcome.  Because I know you care.


  •   Forever 21 just opened in Chico and I am excessively excited about that.  Nevermind that I am a good 10 years beyond the intended demographic. 


  • Last night we were talking about getting called for jury duty and I talked about Liz Lemon’s method for getting out of it.  Watch this if performing your civic duty doesn’t appeal.  Safe for work, but you may accidentally snort coffee out of your nose.  Not that I’ve ever done that. 

31 or 13? You Be the Judge

On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being Beavis and 10 being Stephen Hawking, how much of an idiot am I for laughing maniacally – by myself – upon reading the words certified wood on a sustainability poster?


Any extra credit for also thinking it would be a good band name?


Don’t look at me like that.  It’s already been a long week.

Either This is an Omen of Things to Come or It Can Only Get Better from Here

Here’s a little glimpse into what is going on in my life today:


  • I cannot find my glasses.  The ones I need in order to, like, see shit and drive and function.  I have my presciption sunglasses (sexay) but come nighttime I am screwed.
  • I forgot to put on earrings.  Which, really, is not so much tragic as just retarded since I laid out my entire outfit – accessories included – so as to save myself time and be efficient and whatnot.
  • Pretty sure I have an ulcer. 
  • This week is the Big Conference I have been planning for months and if one more fucker calls asking if it would be too much trouble to add something for the program I will go from twitchy to stabby. 


On the bright side I have cute red toenails and last week my friend Kristina sent me a keychain that says “My Other Ride is Your Mom” because she is awesome.  And when you see something klassy like that you can’t help but think of CKD.


Tonight we are headed out to a party, but I am not especially excited about it.  Yes, it will be at Tres Hombres and there will be many fun people there and I even have something cute to wear.  But I don’t really feel like celebrating.


Who wants shots?
Who wants shots?


Tomorrow my dear friend and partner in Chico crime, Katie, is moving to Santa Barbara to be with her love, start a new career, and drain the local Trader Joe’s of its Two Buck Chuck supply. 


A and the girls in Chico.
A and the girls in Chico.


Yes, I am happy for her and completely support this decision.  She and A are both excited about this and eager to start this new chapter in their relationship.  And I am thrilled that she is happy and at peace with this decision.  No trepidation or second-guessing.  It really is an incredible move.


Good friends mock your misfortune.
Good friends mock your misfortune.


But it doesn’t mean I won’t miss the hell out of her. 


Want some wine?  Oh, sorry, we drank it all.
Want some wine? Oh, sorry, we drank it all.


Katie took my old job when I moved to San Francisco.  When I would chat with old co-workers they would always talk about how great she was, so fun, doing a wonderful job.  “You two would get along so well!”  And yet we never met until my return last summer.  I was a sad heartbroken shell of my formerly vivacious self.  She would stop by my office to say hi and check in, ask if I needed anything.  At a crossroads and dealing with some big decisions in her own life, she extended so much kindness my way and reinforced my belief in the good in people.  Apparently my lack of connection to the various players in her life made me an ideal confidante because she vented to me.  We talked, laughed, cursed like sailors and decided that we needed to hang out.  And a new friendship – which felt like an old one – was born.


Sake it to us.
Sake it to us.


About a month ago I looked at her and said, “If someone had told us a year ago that our lives would be this great right now, would you have believed it?”  There are many reasons our lives are wonderful right now, but I’d like to think that meeting each other got that ball rolling.


Here's a rare photo of us drinking and being goofy.
Here's a rare photo of us drinking and being goofy.


Good luck, Dear Katie, and have a safe drive tomorrow.  Get that pilot’s license soon and fly up for a visit soon.  Getting a pedicure alone sounds unbearable.


It's a party if she's there.
It's a party if she's there.

Good News, Sad News

The Good: Sonia Sotomayor was confirmed by the Senate, making her the first Hispanic on the Supreme Court.  The judicial branch is a little less of a sausage fest, too, which is kind of awesome.  And you gotta love it when Republicans who may not agree with her ideology at least acknowledge her qualifications and vote in her favor.  More perfect union, indeed.


The Sad: John Hughes, creative genius behind Sixteen Candles, The Breakfast Club, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off and countless other classics died suddenly of a heart attack.  Now who is going to direct the movie based on my life?  Thanks, John, for the movies that provided entertainment at sleepovers and lines that can be quoted for any situation in life.  True story.  I am loving the fact that, like, eight people have emailed or send me notes on Facebook expressing condolences like he was someone I knew.  I plan to honor his memory by throwing a party when I housesit for my parents next weekend, complete with motorcycle gang and wacky shenanigans.

What to Wear Wednesday: She’s Bossy

My friend Cece out in Illinois has a rush request – and a fabulous new opportunity.  Here is the abbreviated version of her email and answers to my follow-up questions:


Here’s my question (wrapped into some news):


I’m getting promoted effective, like, NOW.  I need to up the professionalism in my wardrobe effective, like, NOW.  Any suggestions for pulling it together as the new boss lady without breaking the budget until my new salary takes effect?


So… what the hell to do with my sorry business casual self in the next few days?  I need a manicure like you wouldn’t believe (can we say hot chipped mess?!), and cute outfit that isn’t so “Hey, why she’s so dressed up today compared to her normal boring self?” in the next 24 hours.


Dress code: somewhere between business casual and suits for this position.  My (female) boss used to wear a lot of pant suits; the (female) dean wears a lot of pant suits/skirts with jacket.  The other directors (at my level) are an interesting mix of business casual frumpy (khakis, old polo) to business casual chic (Talbots/Ann Taylor Loft-ish).  I am BY FAR the youngest director here — like by 15 years probably.  I want to be stylish but not old. 


First of all: CONGRATULATIONS on the promotion, Lady!  You are going to rock the shit out of that joint!  But you knew that.


Based on your needs and requests (add some color, find new items where you already shop, preferably wash-and-wear, and, of course, family-of-four-budget friendly) here are some suggestions.  Now that I know you are on the hunt I can keep an eye out and send you some other ideas over the next couple of weeks as you build a new work wardrobe, but this should help you get started. 


I’ve been going back-and-forth about whether you should buy a suit, and I’m thinking…not yet.  Part of me feels like you should just hit up Old Navy (or for an inexpensive suit, but it sounds like making the leap from very business casual to corporate might be a shock to your system (I feel you on the desire to be taken seriously but not look frumpy).  So, my alternative to the suit?  Individual pieces that give you the same pulled-together look – and you might even have some of the items in your closet right now!


Already have some black pants?  Start there!  Add a bright blouse or lightweight shell – preferably with some feminine details to keep the look soft and inject some color and fun into your wardrobe.  Old Navy has some cute, affordable options that can also work with jeans for the weekend (and who doesn’t love double-duty clothes?)!  Add a neutral jacket to top it off and you have an outfit without dropping a ton of cash.  Check out the jacket I linked to in person – this picture is kind of funky and the bell sleeves look huge, but I’ve tried it on and it’s darling.  All of the pieces don’t need to be matchy-matchy: black pants, a green top and gray jacket, for example, looks fine and you can mix-and-match.  Gray and navy are oft-overlooked neutrals that are a little less harsh and surprisingly easy to match with brighter colors and patterns.  White is also a great option for summer (easy to match with pretty much any other color and lighter than black) but I know that life with a toddler and juice boxes may render that impossible for now. 


Shoes and accessories: here is where you can step it up, experiment and have some fun without blowing your budget.  Have I talked to you about how awesome Target is when it comes to this area?  No?  Allow me to do that right now.  If you’re wearing a cute outfit and carrying around a beat-up backpack and wearing Tevas, all of your work is shot to hell, right?  Target has some adorable flats in a freaking rainbow!  Yes, basic black is a must but sometimes a girl needs cobalt blue shoes, ya know?  I am a huge fan of colored shoes to add a little extra somethin’ to an outfit.  Not sure if you have a briefcase or need one, but this satchel can function as one while also holding your wallet and such.  Or check out these professional looking totes that come in various colors.  I am loving the forest green and deep red; both can add a little color to your outfit without competing with other colors in your outfit.


Alrighty, I know you aren’t big on dresses and skirts, but can I plead my case for a moment?  They. Are. So. Easy.  ONE thing to throw on with some shoes and you’re DONE.  And, it’s kind of fun to mix it up a little.  Wrap dresses are awesome – not frilly or fussy, and when the weather cools down just add some tights and boots and you have a transition piece.  Shirt dresses are also a nice option for your work environment: classic but not stuffy.  And because it doesn’t scream “WORK” you could throw it on with some flip-flops or flat sandals for running errands.  An a-line skirt is an excellent basic – throw on a blouse and call it good.  I also heart pencil skirts, which are way more flattering than you’d think.  Pair either one of these with a blouse or sweater and add heels for maximum sass.


You had also asked for some ideas of new places to shop and although it is two hours away from you, I cannot recommend H&M enough.  Affordable, stylish and you can get a head-to-toe outfit in one stop (we’re talking jewelry, bags, shoes, the works), which I’m guessing is a plus given your schedule.  I hear Forever 21 is starting a line of business-y goods and rocking some JCrew-inspired items.  Score!  Another overlooked option: consignment shops.  Basically a thrift store, kicked up a notch, more organized and less overwhelming.  I have scored some fantastic cashmere (!) tops and pretty blouses for a fraction of the normal cost.  Do a search for ones in your area and see what they stock.  Some specialize in formal wear, and others run the whole spectrum.  And if you’re feeling tapped out and uninspired and spot someone who appears friendly and stylish?  Ask her where she shops, or where she got a specific item – everyone likes a compliment and you might find a new go-to place.


Whatever you do, I cannot stress the importance of proper fit and proper care of your clothes.  Ever seen someone who was wearing something that’s actually pretty cute, but he or she still looks a little off?  Usually it’s because the pants are too tight oor short, or the bra strap is hanging out (or, shudder, completely visible through her top) or something funky.  If this means you have to buy things and take them home to try them on, do it (just check the return policy) and you will end up with items you like, which will boost your confidence and reduce those “I have a cloest full of shit I don’t like HALP ME!” moments.  I have bought things that were “good enough” and wore them zero times because ultimately I was uncomfortable, which makes no sense.  Same goes for shoes: if they pinch or are too big, don’t buy them.  I know from experience, dude.


OK, Cece, get yourself a manicure, take a deep breath and go advise someone pronto!